How to resolve "Logon Failed" Error in crystal report
Hi friends, Crystal report is a rich tool of reporting and analysis.when you setup in win works good in development side.but when setup in deployment side come this logon fail error. This error come because crystal report set database connection in report data.and when we change database location or change server then crystal report can't connect with this error come to user. for solution this problem need some code for resolve this issue.this call set login detail to crystal report. //create ReportDocument CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportDocument cryRpt = new CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportDocument(); //ConnectionInfo ConnectionInfo info = new ConnectionInfo(); //set database server name info.ServerName = Server name; //set database userid info.UserID = userid; //set database password info.Password = password; //set database IntegratedSecurity info.IntegratedSecurity = false; //set report used data...